Talk about you

One of the hardest thing to do as a writer isn’t putting words on paper, but finding the right ideas to write about. Those ideas need to be more or less unique, and you must bring something in your articles that other people didn’t already talk about in theirs.
Because of that, most writers have what’s known as the “writer’s block”, a temporary feeling of anxiety and uncertainty that doesn’t let you write anything, because no matter what you write about, everything seems boring, too generic or simply bad.
I had to deal with that feeling many times in the past, and while sometimes you can simply ignore it and publish your content no matter what your “gut” is telling you, there are days when you won’t be able to do that and you’ll constantly rewrite everything hoping to improve your work.
But one thing that often works, one thing that helps me publish something even when I have that annoying feeling of uncertainty, is talking about myself.
It may sound selfish, I know, but talking about myself while ignoring any other topic actually helps me quite a lot. The reason is fairly simple — people already talked about many of the topics you can think of. It’s just how it is. The Internet is big and people are creating content all the time.
However, what most of them didn’t talk about, and what most of them will never be able to properly talk about, is you. The only person who knows you better than anyone else is yourself, and as weird as it may sound, people are interested in knowing how others are and how they deal with their problems.
You can analyze your actions, your feelings, your mental health, you can judge your plans for the future or talk about your journey towards becoming a better and more stable person.
All those things will always be somewhat unique, simply because you may have a different perspective on all the topics mentioned above, and many others. Your perspective may be interesting for some people, and is what matters. Even if it’s not, it may be different enough to get you the attention of those who are already tired of reading articles about how to become successful.
So, when nothing goes the way you want and when you can’t seem capable of thinking about something decent enough to write, then write about you. Write about anything you may think is interesting about you. It may make you think you’re selfish or narcissistic to talk about all that, but you’re just writing an article about something unique that no one else can talk about — you.