Learn how to take the initiative when it comes to your own education

A few minutes ago I realized something — now that I think about it, the amount of people who asked me something that could’ve easily been answered by a 5 second Google search is quite… amazing? Or frustrating? I’m not sure how to describe it.
Thing is, I sometimes wonder what would’ve happened if I would have never answered those questions (by searching them on Google, obviously), and instead I would’ve forced those people to search it on Google themselves. To do some actual research. To think!
Well, now that I think about it, not much would’ve happened. Most of those people are too lazy to find their own answers most of the time. But the main idea behind what I said above is that you should search for your own information instead of asking others to give it to you.
Knowing how to get answers to your questions, how to do your own research and how to educate yourself is really important these days. You can’t just ignore the Internet hoping that you’ll never have to use it in your life to search for something important.
Educating yourself and knowing how to get your information is vital these days. That’s just how our world works nowadays, and you can’t do anything about it. Taking the initiative and educating yourself by searching for the information you need is the first step towards knowing how to always get answers no matter what questions you have.
So, the next time you have a question, instead of asking someone to search for an answer for you, do it yourself. Take the initiative. Educate yourself! It’s probably one of the most important skills you could learn, the one that will help you get pretty much anything you want out of life and every situation!