I disagree. With everything. All of this sounds like purism to me, the ugly kind. Obviously, you cannot put yourself in the same league as any big writer just because you managed to put an article, or even a post together. But this does not mean that those who cannot be geniuses at writing should not even try, unless they are willing to dedicate their life to achieve perfection within this field.
At least that's the impression I get from everything you wrote.
This is the exact same type of behavior I've seen online with so many different things, from gaming to programming or 3D modelling. There's always a part of the community that thinks things must be done in a certain way, otherwise newbies shouldn't even bother.
Take a game for example, such as Path of Exile, something meant to be fun, relaxing, a time wasting activity that helps you forget about the struggles of life.
Part of the community of this online game is so smug about their understanding of the game and its mechanics, so caught in the "meta", in the what's popular and what works best, trying to get even the smallest numbers to be right, that their behavior and discouragement of any other way of playing the game makes the new people, who just want to have a bit of fun, turn away and try something else. Then the same people are wondering "Why doesn't our gave have more players, why is everyone quitting? The game will die if things continue like this!"
But, this is just the opinion of someone you consider to be a non-writer, because I put no genius in what I said, no story, nothing. All of this is basically "emotional gibberish" and "ego masturbation".
Get over yourself.